I have worked with hundreds of individuals to help them take control of their careers and stop following the “Foxhole Method of Career Development.”
When most people finish their education, they are just looking for anything, and they usually fall into a position (foxhole), and are relieved that they don’t have to look anymore. But, sooner or later, that foxhole gets too cold, too dark, too damp, etc. At this point, usually the worker is in “I gotta get outta here!” mode and then jumps into the first job (foxhole) seen, without a thought as to how this position will further a career path. This usually happens a few times, until finally the worker looks around before jumping and says “How did I get here? I wanted to be over there!” That’s usually when they contact a career consultant.
The Resonare Career Consulting Program has three components. Not every client needs help in every area, or the same amount in each area, but these are the keys to taking control of your career path.
Part One: Where Am I?
What do you really like to do? What have you been successful at before? Who do you like to work with? What makes it worth getting up and going to work? With various homework assignments and assessments, we mine your life to get a picture of what are the aspects of you that need to be addressed in any work situation. This is usually where clients have their “Ah Ha!” and “Oh, that explains a lot” moments.
Part Two: Where Do I Want To Go?
Now that we understand what it is that makes you jazzed about working, we need to locate those industries, companies, departments, and positions that can use the skills that you have to offer. We work in tandem to identify target companies and decision makers, and utilize our knowledge of your profile to narrow down the field to only those that are appropriate for you.
Part Three: How Do I Get from Where I Am to Where I Want To Go?
These are the standard job searching functions of resume writing, networking, and interviewing strategies that most people jump to without first considering the first two questions. By having a better sense of the needs of your target companies and yourself, you can then be more effective in demonstrating your unique capabilities to fill their needs.
Is This a Good Fit?
Before you work with any Career Consultant, you should feel that there is a good fit between you. To ensure this, I offer a free 15-20 minute session (either via telephone or in person) so that you understand what to expect in working with me, and also that I can help you. I will be happy to refer you to another career consultant if working with me is not the appropriate “fit” for your situation.
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