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The Turning to the Dark Time of Year

As of Wednesday, September 23, the northern half of the globe will start to have fewer light hours in the day than dark. The weather is starting to get chillier (I put on a light sweater for the first time yesterday morning) and those of us in the northern part of the country start thinking about the possibility of winter (but not yet! We still have more summer to live!). As a person of Swedish decent, I seem to crave the sun. It could also be because of my northern-facing apartment and office. If I don’t go out and find the Sun, it doesn’t find me.

It’s also a time of balance. The Earth is about to tip on a different direction, and we have the opportunity to look at balance in our own lives. Am I having too much of one thing and not another?  I’m thinking that I need more play time, especially in the music and dance area. I also need to be more balanced in taking care of myself physically. I know that I don’t get enough sleep, and I have to get back onto my exercise and eating regimen, as I put on about 12 pounds in the past year since my hospitalization.

As many of you know, I’m also just getting past the anniversary of my Mother’s death. It’s been a hard year, and I’m glad that I’ve finally moved on from having the “first” time of each event without her. I know that she’s in a more comfortable place now, and I have only the future ahead of me to do all the things that would make her proud.

So, what do I do now that’s it’s getting darker?  For me, it seems like an opportunity to kind of “woodshed” myself. In other words, I’m going to work on myself and try to improve me for the new unveiling in 2011. Can I be more loving of myself and others?  Is it time that a relationship will come into my life, and am I ready to welcome it in?  Can I be looking better in a bathing suit next year that now?

As we wrap ourselves in warmth over the next six months, how are we baking, and what kind of delicious dish are we going to turn up as?

What’s your recipe?

P.S. Remember there are only two more days to enter for the free weekend at Easton Mountain!  Make sure you register by Friday!

Views: 15


  1. James Oaksun

    Baking… hmm. Well I am (literally) re-doing the kitchen in my house! So that will be one form of it. Also, colder temps means it’s probably time for the Bikram Yoga again. A baking of another kind!

    As a result of a recent weekend event, I’ve been thinking/journaling/meditating about new directions for my life. I can see an end-state but I do not know quite how to arrive at it. But I figure as long as I take at least one step a day on the path toward it… I will get there.

  2. Margaret

    Fall always seems like a time to tidy up the year and get ready for a healing sleep during winter…to awaken renewed in spring. One can get more work done during the day even though the daylight hours are shorter because the cool enables more sustained periods of work. The cooler night air makes for deeper, more restful sleep. Enough good sleep leads to a more balanced psyche and more alert time when awake. Part of fall tidying is to take stock, to see what is done, to evaluate, and gather in the good. Keep those good beginnings as the seeds of next year.

    Me, I’m working on the ultimate maple cheesecake recipe.

  3. Ken Mattsson

    James & Margaret,

    You’re both right! I especially like the idea of maple cheesecake! I think of baking as having the right ingredients, having put them all together, and then just letting them sit together and figure out the best way to be. Hopefully, they will come out delicious.

    You need to have a sense of what the future will bring, but not be wedded to a particular outcome. If so, you’ll always be disappointed with what you get. Keep working for it, have an intention, but release the outcome.

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