I’m proud to announce that I will again be giving my Finding Your Calling Workshop at Easton Mountain this coming Martin Luther King Jr. Day weekend, and there are a number of changes to the program from last year:
- It will be three days (Friday through Monday)
- It is open to Men and Women (and those who choose not to categorize themselves in either duality)
I’m very excited about delivering this program again, and there will be more new about it soon. Please tell your friends!
Here’s the workshop description from the website:
Finding Your Calling: Making Connections Between Spirit and Work (for Men and Women)
Too often in our busy lives, we are happy that we can make it through the day and don’t have the time to think about how our regular working lives are an extension of our spiritual core. Is what you do as a vocation feeding your soul and helping you to become a strong positive presence in your world. Many times, people find that they have fallen into the roles they play in life; sometimes for the better and sometimes not. By listening to and realizing what your innate gifts are, you can then take control of the direction of your career and make decision and actions that are in accord with you professional ethics and spiritual values.
This workshop will include journaling, exercises, conversations, assessments and meditations that will help you focus on what your real needs, goals, desires and motivations are. all registrants will be supplied with prep exercises to do at home before the weekend.
Note: This program is open to all people regardless of sexual orientation and/or gender identity, but they must be comfortable and honoring of gay male sacred space.
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Go to the new Facebook page for this event at http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=154641681245930&num_event_invites=0