We’ve just crossed for me what is the beginning on Spring: Daylight Savings Time. While I know that it bothers other people and some people miss the earlier sunrises, for me it’s the time when my whole outlook brightens. It’s lighter at night! You can actually do something after the work day! I can see the sun out and feel it’s warmth (my office and apartment both face north, I’m sun starved most of the winter and crave any fresh air).
In the astrological calendar of the zodiac (as well as in many other traditions), the spring equinox is the start of the new year. New things are bursting out if the ground, and there is the excitement of possibilities of the new year (new planting, new summer trips, new jobs!). I like to think of all the new light happening as an opportunity to see things that have been hidden in the dark (and especially in Boston this winter, under a few feet if snow) and take a fresh inventory of life and see what the future might hold for me. If I live into my own personal power and capabilities, then I can choose my future and make things happen, either profession or personal.
One of my activities to do in the next week is to look at the 2011 calendar and decide what I’ll do. I just came back from a week in Florida (warmth!), but I know that I’ll want to take another trip later this year. What programs do I want to attend that will help my own growth? What programs do I want to offer to my clients? There is much to look at.
So, what is being illuminated for you now?
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