On December 16, 2009, I started with my first post at the Spirit-Work Connection blog. I’ve now done 132 posts on all sorts of topics related to my life, career development, personal growth, spiritual seeking, and anything else that’s come to my mind. I’ve been saying that I’m writing my book a blog post at a time, and my thoughts on all these matters have been developing as I try to put them down in words for you. It’s been a great journey and I look forward to more interesting concepts arising.
To do that, I need some input, and I’d really like to know what value you’ve gotten from my writings. Please leave a comment stating the insights that you’ve gleaned and developed as a result of my writing. I will choose one lucky commenter from everyone who’s commented between now and 12/23/11 at noon for a free resume critique.
Thank you for your support of my work, and I look forward to lot of other interactions in the future!
So, what have you learned?
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