I’m writing this on the ferry traveling home towards Boston. I’ve been in Provincetown for a couple of days enjoying the great weather, the food, the sun and the sights. Highlights on my time were a great show at the Post Office Cafe (check out her video of Liza Minnelli as Lady Gaga doing Telephone), bike riding up to Race Point, and lying by the pool at the Provincetown Inn and not getting burned.
You see, I’m what you could call melanin challenged. My ancestors came from places where the sun hardly shined (Sweden and Ireland) and I have almost now protection from the sun. I like to say that I think of the sun and I burn. I’m blond and red headed and go between porcelain white and lobster red.
All my life, I have wished that I could be dark brown. I see all these tan and golden skin people and I’d be really jealous. It’s taken me a long time, but I’ve finally come to accept that this is the way it will be and I may as well not only accept it, but celebrate it.
As the world’s population has a majority of dark hair and supposedly blond/red hair is a recessive gene, I’ve decided that my fair skin and rosy complexion is exotic. I can be unique and a great find. Funny things is that since taking in that attitude, I’m finding that I’m attracting a lot of attention from men who are really attracted to this color combination.
As is often the case with me, I wonder about how the lessons in my life are similar to those in the career development field (and vice versa). This reminds me that you need to accept those parts of you that are unique and will be seen as special in the field you work in. Don’t belabor that you aren’t a good designer. If you train and try to get better and you still feel that your talents aren’t up to the task, look for something else you do that’s special. Your special gifts will be appreciated by the right people.
What do you have that’s special?
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