Recently, I’ve been re-evaluating my life and looking at how I want to move forward with my goals. It seems that whenever I have a new focus, things come into my life that reinforce the messages I’m learning. In this case, it is of my need to get things right.
Like many people, I have a history of being bullied as a child and being afraid of doing something not correct, as I was picked on for doing just about anything, and especially if it was something that was creative or out of the ordinary. It’s taken a lot of therapy sessions and self-work to get to the point of being able to let something of myself out without having a panic attack. (Yes, I’ve been in beginner art classes and had panic attacks, as I didn’t know the right way to do something.) This has shown up in my life as it taking all my energy to release something out for others to see and to not have had the energy to do it a second time until I had recovered.
This being said, I have now done enough behind the scenes writing and practice to get to the point that I’ve been able to let some things out, and I’ve found that instead of feeling that I would be beaten up for it, it’s mostly been met with silence. It’s been sort of a rocking of my world, since I’ve been so scared of this for so long. That being said, I’ve had two messages that have been reinforcing for me that what I have to do instead is work behind the scenes for a while at developing my mountain of work, whether that’s professional, musical, artistic, or how to make a better curry.
- First, I happened upon the YouTube channel of Matt D’Avella, who makes videos about a number of great topics, but the one that hit for me with this topic is his one called The Three Year Rule. In this video he talks with Tommy Jackett and Josh Janssen, two Australian YouTubers and podcasters who started developing content in 2016, and their thoughts were not that they needed to be successful within a year, but that they were in it for the long haul and not concerned at reaching success until they had been doing it for five years. They need to work, develop, create, and refine their work for years before they’d make a decision if it was worth it or not. In our society of instant gratification, that’s really giving them permission to take their time and not be too harsh on themselves. Matt also talks about how his first videos weren’t the best and he’s done the work over the years to improve his craft.
- Another video is from transformational shaman Kelle Sparta, and coach and consultant Kathy Scheiern, on the concept of being in Stuckville. Stuckville is where it seems like nothing you do is working, and you seemingly go from one idea to the next and keep trying things to try to find out the “right answer” to your problem. The visual they give is like being in a valley surrounded by mountains and you don’t know which mountain to climb to get out, so you just stay where you are. Again, the message is that what you really need to do to move forward is to be consistent and keep going on the projects that you pursuing. It’s easy to drop something if it doesn’t have immediate results.
So, what does this have to do with anything. Well, as I hope you will see, I’ve using this as a prompt to say that I have to be a lot more certain about what I want to pursue, and then put all my energy into it. One way that I’m doing that is to write and blog much more often. Will I get thousands of viewers and internet fame? Maybe, but if I do, it will be a long way down the road, and I need to practice my craft and do it even when I’m not sure that it’s perfect. I will improve the more that I post, and I will be building my pile of content for the long haul. I have to have the conviction that I am bringing value to the world, and my message is worth it to everyone who hears it.
I’m getting inspiration from the concept of the old Guilds of the Middle Ages where people (usually young boys) would work for years to learn a craft and then become proficient in something to do it as a profession. For the musician guild, I’ve had years of practice. For others, I’m just starting.
So, what are you developing and bringing for the benefit of others? How are you being the genuine you that can’t be replicated by others?
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