I have sort of been hibernating for the past number of months and dealing with some issues that have been difficult, but just like the crocuses that are finally coming out of the ground, it’s Spring! It’s time to start anew. I’m ready for it.
I was just in Puerto Rico for vacation in the beginning of March 2013, and I decided that I wanted to really stretch myself. The people who own the guest house where I stayed (Barefoot Travelers outside of Humacao, highly recommended!) also run kayak and hang gliding adventures, and I decided to push myself and do it. I was really scared, but I just knew things would be okay, as Bob my instructor has done this thousands of times.
I also went zip lining and went on the highest (and second longest) zipline in the world, at Toro Verde in Orocovis, Puerto Rico (see the video below for a taste of it!) When I came to Puerto Rico, I decided that this was the time to really stretch myself and do things that scare me. I’ve always been scared of heights, and doing things like hang gliding and zip lining, where I’m basically jumping off mountains was huge leap of faith, literally! I didn’t know if I could really do it, but I have to say that I got the most amazing experiences out of it. It was in many ways the breaking down of the fear that was the biggest thing for me.
So, what have you done recently that really scares you?
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