Welcome to February! The year is 1/12th over. In this time we have gotten halfway from Winter Solstice to Spring Equinox. The amount of light is growing and, at least in Boston, sunset is finally after 5 p.m. Whether you celebrate this as Candlemass, Imbolc, or Groundhog Day, this has traditionally been the time that cabin fever sets in and we just want to be in the warm weather. People in earlier times work get crafty and prepare for the coming season by fixing up things and doing crafts or creative works of art. (Remind you of all the gardening catalogs coming in the mail now?)
What are you creating?
Also this is usually the time that the initial push of a New Year’s Resolution has waned and it’s out of your mind. As it helps to keep things in sight in order to succeed, here are some of he best writtings on resolution keeping that I found on the web this year.
- Dr. Henry Cloud Talks about New Years Resolutions
- Wall Street Journal Article: Blame It on the Brain – Neuroscience explains why it’s difficult to keep resolutions
- Wall Street Journal Article: Blame It on the Brain – The latest neuroscience research suggests spreading resolutions out over time is the best approach
- What’s Your Theme for 2010? by Cindy Yantis
- Living a Good Story, an Alternative to New Years Resolutions by Don Miller
- It’s All in How You See It: The Resolution Revolution by Mehmet Oz in Huffington Post
- Five Best Goal-Tracking Tools
- The Definitive Guide to Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions from Zen Habits
So, what are you fixing up or creating now? Please share you thoughts in the comments!
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My friend and professional colleague Gerry Fisher, a therapist and life coach in Baltimore, referenced this blog post and expanded on it. Go to http://gerryfisher.livejournal.com/17876.html to see what he has to say.
Thanks for all of these wonderful links on the topic of resolution reminding and change psychology. I will be perusing.
Tonin, thanks for your comment! I’m glad that it was helpful to you.