Here are the most interesting stories I’ve found this week! Enjoy!
- Mastering Respectful Confrontation | Respectful Confrontation: Joe Weston’s new book on his theories of using communication like martial arts to be in your power is finally out. I have been to his workshops and highly recommend that you pick up a copy!
- The Art of Powerful Living: Harry Faddis and Michael Cohen speak about their Art of Powerful Living workshop for Gay Men at Easton Mountain this November.
- Joshua Walters: On being just crazy enough | Video on This comic shows that anything that can be seen as a disability can also be seen as an asset.
- Survey: Half of us want to quit our jobs | Need to Know: It’s not just you. Many people are dissatisfied with their work. That’s why I feel my work is so important, even, and especially, in tough economic times.
- The Happiness Project: A Fundamental Secret to Happiness? Get Enough Sleep: I’m trying to live into this myself!
- The Maddow Blog – Overworked America: Does it feel like you’re working more? You probably are.
- How to Connect a Conference: Or, “I Can’t See Your IQ from Across the Room” — Jason Seiden: Interesting networking tips for conference attendees.
- A solstice approaches, unnoticed: James Carroll of the Boston Globe had a wonderful article about how we are feeling disconnected from the natural world.
- Perform This Way (Parody of “Born This Way” by Lady Gaga) by “Weird Al” Yankovic: A brilliant parody by Weird Al.
- Latające lampiony Poznań – rekord Polski • A very cool event in Poland where they light paper lanterns and have them float in the sky. There are thousands of them!
- How to Talk to Little Girls: Very interesting article about how we start programming little girls (and I would say boys) to think certain ways about themselves.
- Harnessing the Power of Feedback Loops: In graduate school I studied about reinforcing and balancing feedback loops. This brings an update.
- [Korea’s Got Talent] tvN 코리아 갓 탤런트 Ep.1 Sung-bong Choi!!!.avi: An amazing talent and an amazing story.
So, what’s gotten your attention this week?
Views: 11
Another excellent edition!
I don’t know why people are still underestimating the power of sleep on their daily lives and mental health! Thanks for including this story in this week’s “Your Passion This Week”.
The sleep issue is SO hard for me. Once everyone else in the house is asleep, I tend to stay up way too late to read. I know it is terrible for my health to be sleep-deprived, though, so this post is a reminder to make time to read during the day so that I am not trying to do so at midnight.
Thanks Janet and Edward! I too struggle with getting enough sleep. My goal is to be off the computer (my vice) by 10 p.m. and in bed by 11 p.m. I guess I need to report back on that!